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"Eating is a human need,
savouring an art."

François VI. Duc de La Rochefoucauld


…experience the varied and fascinating world of Fondue!


Inspired by influences from America, Asia and Europe, we present the world's first fondue buffet with a selection of Meat-, Fish-, Seafood- and Veggie Fondues. In addition, our passion goes beyond the classical cheese fondue and offers you numerous exciting

cheese creations.


We invite you for a homely evening with music, entertainment and fun!


The original in Fondue – since 2003

* * * ALL YOU CAN COOK * * *

price per person:

29,9 €

19,9 € (Veggie/Vegan)

1 € / year (up to 12 years)


...10 meters of length buffet area with:



Botswana beef (BBQ marinade)

filet of pork (paprika marinade)

chicken breast (curry cocos/herbs marinade)

 Barbarie duck breast (herbs marinade)

Nürnberger baby sausage



Tiger prawns


wild salmon





daily fresh vegetables


wrinkle potatoes with sea salt

grilled vegetables

corn on the cob & mixed pickles

garden salad with dressing

pesto pasta salad

American coleslaw

olive feta tomatoe salad

herbs & tomatoe butter

homemade breads



BBQ  ·  aioli  ·  curry

cowberry onion chutney

ginger lime  ·  mango chutney 

Teriyaki majo  ·  South Carolina Mustard

Ars Vini Berlin, Käsefondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
Ars Vini Berlin, Käsefondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
Ars Vini Berlin, Käsefondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
Ars Vini Berlin, Käsefondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
Ars Vini Berlin, Käsefondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
served with our freshly-baked Pane Contadino!

16,5 € p.p. (side buffet: +9 €)


The Swiss

Gruyère · Appenzeller · rosé wine · kirsch

The Spanish

chorizo · rosé wine · red onions · paprika · tomato purée

The Portuguese

Manchego · rosé wine · christal sugar · tomato purée

The Frensh

Brie · cream · white wine · Calvados · pieces of apple

The Italien

Parmesan · white wine · antipasti · green Pesto

The Onion

Emmentaler · rosé wine · red onions · honey

The Blue

blue-veined cheese · white wine · pear brandy · chives

The Gorgonzola

Gorgonzola · white wine · spinach · Béchamel

The Israelian

Edamer · white wine · citron · avocado · Worcester sauce

The Norwegian

butter cheese · white wine · salmon cream · crabs

The Devil

Tilsit cheese · white wine · horseradish · mustard · Worcester sauce

Ars Vini Berlin, Schokoladenfondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
Ars Vini Berlin, Schokoladenfondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
Ars Vini Berlin, Schokoladenfondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
Ars Vini Berlin, Schokoladenfondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA
Ars Vini Berlin, Schokoladenfondue, Fondue, Restaurant, Erlebnisgastronomie, Eventlocation, Weihnachtsfeier, Hochzeitsfeier, JGA

Chocolate fondue

8 €

deluxe plain chocolate
half dark chocolate
strawberry yogurt
white Crisp
... served with:
bananas · ananas · red grapes · marshmallows · speculoos
... and with a shot of:
rum · egg liqueuer · cocos · almonds · Smarties · Haribo

Toblerone Duo

9 €

Dark chocolate brownie · white Parfait · rasperry sauce




Make reservations for an interactive culinary experience and enjoy unforgettable moments with family and friends.


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